Carbon Lighthouse

Carbon Lighthouse exists to help stop climate change by making it easy and profitable for commercial buildings to become carbon neutral.

Founded 2010
51-200 employees
  • Electric Energy & Natural Gas
  • Headquarters address
    222 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, USA
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    Carbon Lighthouse is a software-enabled clean energy company that makes it profitable for commercial buildings to become carbon neutral. Over the past 5 years we’ve worked in 400+ buildings and eliminated the emissions of three power plants. Our unique approach combining people, data, and software results in energy efficiency upgrades that are 10x more cost-effective than traditional upgrades.

    Our mission is to stop climate change, and transforming the way energy is used in office buildings is one of the most impactful ways to start. Our talented team uses our proprietary processes and software to implement energy efficiency projects in buildings. After energy is reduced, we compete with power plants for operating permits to offset our customers’ residual carbon footprints.

    We are a team of 27 people who highly value question asking, getting it done, integrity, and teamwork. We appreciate a fulfilling work-life balance, prize transparency and communication, hold ourselves to high standards of performance and professionalism, strive for dynamism and innovation, and support our team members’ professional development.

    Tech stack

    To be decided by you!


    Compensation and retirement

    401k plan

    Health and wellness

    Insurance (Health)
    Insurance (Dental)
    Insurance (Vision)
    Carbon Lighthouse - Company Photo
    Carbon Lighthouse - Company Photo
    Carbon Lighthouse - Company Photo
    Carbon Lighthouse - Company Photo
    Carbon Lighthouse - Company Photo
    Carbon Lighthouse - Company Photo