
Ideas make us human. We protect yours.

Founded 2014
16-50 employees
  • Cybersecurity
  • Headquarters address
    54 W 40th St, New York, NY 10018, USA

    What We Do

    Dispel is a secure communications and collaboration provider for the world's leading institutions. Our firm was founded in 2014 to invent, build, and operate a means of sustainably defeating cyberattacks and behavioral analysis techniques that depend upon packet metadata. The result is a fast, safe, effective, and simple platform teams all around the world use for working together. Dispel is headquartered in New York, with the majority of the team working remotely in more than a dozen cities in the United States.

    How We Interview & Hire

    Our interview process begins with an introduction call to help you learn more about the role, learn more about your interests, and help decide if Dispel is a mutual fit. If we move forward, we'll schedule one more phone/video call to discuss your background and experience. Finally, the onsite interview can always work around your schedule's flexibility, but we like to have you meet several key stakeholders on the team, as well as one of our Founders.

    Tech stack

    C++, Java, Perl, Swift, JavaScript, SASS, Ember, Angular, ExpressJS


    Compensation and retirement

    401k plan

    Health and wellness

    Insurance (Health)
    Insurance (Dental)
    Insurance (Vision)
    Insurance (Life)
    Insurance (Disability)