
Yakuto make award winning sports games, for everyone! Our vision is to redefine mobile sports titles to be super polished, social and inclusive. Join us!

Founded 2014
1-15 employees
  • Casinos & Gaming
  • Headquarters address
    4 Ravey St, London EC2A 4QP, UK
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    Yakuto is a small team of five. We're incredibly passionate about our work and we hope you'll find this infectious. Being small, we can't offer perks like a fully-loaded fridge or Ferrari-boats but we can unleash your talents on the cutting edge of mobile entertainment

    Perhaps you're like we were: a highly skilled cog in a big machine and you want to feel valued, that your efforts can make a difference: an Enterprise Dev wondering how these game things work, or an experienced Game Dev who's curious to see how these newbie upstarts have bashed together their product. Either way, we're looking to hire an excellent C# developer so if you've got the skills then we'd love to hear from you.

    Tech stack

    .NET, C#, Unity, Azure, Orleans, Resharper, Design Patterns, Git, Objective-C, Java, Android, iOS, Steam