Salary Directory Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)s

Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) Salary

Site Reliability Engineer Job Description

Site Reliability Engineers (SRE) combine software architecture with system operations. They have operations skills and oversee the reliability of systems and products for optimal functioning. This combination reduces the need for organizations to rely on both development and operations teams, streamlining the entire process. SREs use service-level agreements that define the system reliability needs of the service. When this budget is met, the site reliability engineer creates and implements new launches. If the error budget is over the defined reliability needs, the SRE works to reduce the errors before additional launches are allowed, increasing the overall performance of the system. They also develop code that addresses any problems within the system, which improves operational efficiency and performance.

Site reliability engineers may work closely with development teams or on their own, depending on the organization. An ideal candidate has professional-level programming skills and an in-depth knowledge of programming languages. The ability to analyze and organize information is also beneficial. Since SREs work with other teams, communication and teamwork skills are a must. While site reliability engineering is a relatively new concept, the benefits for organizations are numerous. These benefits are creating a high demand for SREs, who are also considered computer network architects due to their designing and implementing computer and cloud systems. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the projected job growth for site reliability engineers will reach 9% from 2014 to 2024. Many of these positions are with organizations of all sizes, ranging from Google and Walmart to smaller entities.

We don't have enough data for New York,
so we've calculated your salary information for the San Francisco Bay Area instead:
Based on real Hired interview data, Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)s in New York earn an average annual salary of
Based on real Hired interview data, Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)s in SF Bay Area earn an average annual salary of
The salaries of candidates in this role range from a low of $115,000 to a high of $190,000, with a median salary of $145,000.


Compare Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) salaries by region

Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)s are highest in demand in London, SF Bay Area, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular:

  1. Seattle
  2. $181,500
  3. Boston
  4. $172,967
  5. SF Bay Area
  6. $171,770
  7. Washington D.C.
  8. $157,177
  9. Austin
  10. $156,126
  11. New York
  12. $155,332
  13. Toronto
  14. C$153,200
  15. Philadelphia
  16. $149,488
  17. Denver
  18. $145,000
  19. Atlanta
  20. $144,428
  21. Dallas/Ft Worth
  22. $141,756
  23. Columbus
  24. $140,000
  25. Chicago
  26. $137,809
  27. Los Angeles
  28. $129,880
  29. Houston
  30. $129,869
  31. Phoenix
  32. $120,000
  33. Tampa
  34. $105,000
  35. France
  36. €100,000
  37. London
  38. £93,840
  39. Dublin
  40. €69,677
  1. Seattle
  2. $181,500
  3. Boston
  4. $172,967
  5. SF Bay Area
  6. $171,770
  7. Washington D.C.
  8. $157,177
  9. Austin
  10. $156,126
  11. New York
  12. $155,332
  13. Toronto
  14. C$153,200
  15. Philadelphia
  16. $149,488
  17. Denver
  18. $145,000
  19. Atlanta
  20. $144,428
  21. Dallas/Ft Worth
  22. $141,756
  23. Columbus
  24. $140,000
  25. Chicago
  26. $137,809
  27. Los Angeles
  28. $129,880
  29. Houston
  30. $129,869
  31. Phoenix
  32. $120,000
  33. Tampa
  34. $105,000
  35. France
  36. €100,000
  37. London
  38. £93,840
  39. Dublin
  40. €69,677
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Where Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)s are highest in demand

    Site Reliability Engineer (SRE)s are highest in demand in London, SF Bay Area, and New York. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular: