Salary Directory Columbus Brand/Graphic Designers

Brand/Graphic Designer Salary in Columbus

A brand/graphic designer is a marketing-focused visual designer that creates digital and print material to reinforce a brand's identity and messaging. Brand designers are tasked with analyzing market trends and creating new tactics to acquire new customers and grow the company brand. Projects include creating brand guidelines, advertisement campaigns, event and conference material, and website pages.
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Compare Brand/Graphic Designer salaries by region

Brand/Graphic Designers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, New York, and London. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular:

  1. Seattle
  2. $190,000
  3. SF Bay Area
  4. $179,166
  5. Dallas/Ft Worth
  6. $130,000
  7. New York
  8. $129,025
  9. Los Angeles
  10. $123,333
  11. Washington D.C.
  12. $103,333
  13. Chicago
  14. $91,333
  15. Atlanta
  16. $65,000
  1. Seattle
  2. $190,000
  3. SF Bay Area
  4. $179,166
  5. Dallas/Ft Worth
  6. $130,000
  7. New York
  8. $129,025
  9. Los Angeles
  10. $123,333
  11. Washington D.C.
  12. $103,333
  13. Chicago
  14. $91,333
  15. Atlanta
  16. $65,000
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Where Brand/Graphic Designers are highest in demand

    Brand/Graphic Designers are highest in demand in SF Bay Area, New York, and London. Browse and compare average salaries in locations where this role is also popular: